American Legion Auxiliary Benhart/Klapal Unit 104 |
The Sargent ladies have been very active since they first
organized. There are presently 25 members and their activities and
projects include sponsoring a girls state representative, distributing
poppies, decorating veterans’ graves, honoring teachers during National
Education Week,
working at County Government Day and blood mobiles. They also march
in parades, serve funeral dinners when needed, and provide food and
snacks to the Veterans’ Hospital and Home. Commander: Jack Steinbaugh. |
308-527-3379 |
Card Club |
A group of ladies get together to play Pinochle, Bridge and Pitch every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. All are welcome! Each member
takes turns hosting the games. The games usually start at 1:30 pm. Contact Dixie Trotter at (308) 215-0191 for more information. |
Dixie Trotter |
308-215-0191 |
Category: Clubs | Chamber Member
The Sargent Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) was reactivated in 2010. Our local chapter and the officers work hard throughout the school year in the areas of membership recruitment and involvement, business involvement, community service, school service, leadership development, social activities, and conferences. |
Jan Osborn |
Sargent, NE 68874 |
308-527-4119 |
josbornathome@gmail.com |
Girl Scouts |
Meet every other Monday @ 4pm at the Sargent Public School lunch room.
For more information please call: Kelly Vincent (308) 527-3473 or Kay
Richardson 800-879-6123 Financial Assistance is available. If you are
interested stop on in! All girls are welcome! |
Middle Loup 4-H Club |
The Middle Loup 4-H Club currently has 54 members. They meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month for general meetings. Youth participating in shooting sports meet during the week during the evenings for archery and BB guns.
Leader: Jackie Ropers
Jackie Ropers |
308-215-0176 |
P.E.O. Chapter CW |
P.E.O. Chapter CW was organized in Sargent on April 17, 1923, with 13
charter members. P.E.O. is a philanthropic organization where women
celebrate the advancement of women; educate women through scholarships,
grants, awards, loans, and stewardship of Cottey College, and motivate
each other to achieve their highest aspirations. The P.E.O Sisterhood is a non-profit organization that has helped more than 109,000 women pursue educational goals by providing over $344 million in educational assistance, making a difference in women's lives through six philanthropies and a foundation.
Our Sargent chapter has provided loans, grants, and scholarships to many women in the area. For over 25 years the local chapter has awarded scholarships to women of the graduating classes of Sargent High School and recently also offered and awarded scholarships to Loup County High School graduates. |
Jan Osborn |
Sargent, NE 68874 |
josbornathome@gmail.com |
Sargent American Legion Post #104 |
The Sargent Legion is still a viable organization, although our monthly
meetings and smokers have become sparse. Most of our members are World
War II veterans, a few Korean and a few Vietnam veterans. We have 58
paid up members, 34 of whom live in the Sargent area, Of these 34
veterans, 26 are World War II and Korean veterans, putting their ages
in the 80’s.
The Legion Post sponsors Boy’s State and Junior Law Cadet
programs. They help at military funerals, Veteran’s Day programs, and
flying the flags at the cemetery on Memorial Day. They also help with
the color guards marching in parades in the surrounding area towns. The
Legion Post 104 Commander is Jack Steinbaugh. |
Sargent Women's Action Team |
Commonly known as SWAT, was formed in 1984 as an outgrowth of Jaycees for Women. SWAT is an organization of women 18 years of age and older and currently boasts a membership totaling sixty-five. Team members are devoted to the betterment of their community and its future. SWAT has had numerous fundraisers to help raise money for big and small projects. Some of these projects include the new Sargent Community Center, a new sound system and pressbox for the school, improvements to the park, swimming pool and ballfield.
Numerous hours have been volunteered by members to help with the bloodmobile, the Sargent fair and many other local projects. Some of our fundraisers we have had are selling fireworks, serving appreciation dinners and putting on plays. We are always looking for ways to help our great town of Sargent. All are welcome. Please call Jacki Ash for more information. |
Sewing for Babies |
Sewing for Babies is a non-profit organization in Nebraska. The mission is to provide warmth through blankets and clothing for needy and sick babies in Nebraska. They sew, crochet, and knit blankets and clothing to provide babies in need. In Sargent, a group of 10-12 ladies get together the second Wednesday of the month at Joyce Gabriel's residence to sew these items. The clothing items are then distributed to those in need through the WIC program.
Joyce Gabriel |
308-527-3412 |